Languages Other than English and French
Showing 1–10 of 30 results
Allaiter votre bébé peu prématuré
Read MoreBooklet in French and 17 other languages for new parents : All they need to know to breastfeed and/or provide breast milk to their late preterm baby. (2016)
Baby Wants
$50.00 Read MoreBooklet in English and 9 other languages for new parents: Easy things they can do in the first months to secure attachment and support the development of their baby. (2018)
Be Safe – Have an Alcohol Free Pregnancy
Read MorePrinter-friendly handout in English and 11 other languages for future parents : provides information and tips about alcohol use in pregnancy and FASD. (2012)
Bébé veut…
$50.00 Read MoreBooklet in French and 9 other languages for new parents: Easy things they can do in the first months to secure attachment and support the development of their baby. (2018)
BFI Cribcard
$25.00 Read MoreCrib card in English and 19 other languages for new parents : small card with information on key aspects of BFI-related postpartum care for all families. (2020)
Breastfeeding Matters – An Important Guide to Breastfeeding for Women and their Families
$50.00 Read MoreGuide in English for new and future parents with information to support informed decision-making regarding breastfeeding, important things to know about breastfeeding, FAQs and where to get help (2021).
Breastfeeding Your Late Preterm Baby
Read MoreBooklet in English and 17 other languages for new parents : All they need to know to breastfeed and/or provide breast milk to their late preterm baby. (2016)
Carte de chevet de l’IAB
$25.00 Read MoreCrib Card in French and 19 other languages for new parents : small card with information on key aspects of BFI-related postpartum care for all families. (2019)
Donner naissance dans un nouveau pays – Un guide pour les femmes nouvellement venues au Canada et leurs familles
Read MoreManual in French and 9 other languages for newcomer future parents of Ontario: information on local practices related to the prenatal and postnatal period, as well as services and resources available. (2014)
Fiches-conseils : Préparer en toute sécurité des préparations pour votre bébé
Read MoreSeries of 7 tip sheets in French for new families: How to safely prepare infant formula. (2020)