Trousse de formation d’entraide à l’allaitement

Toolkit in French for service providers: contains all they need to educate breastfeeding peer support volunteers, equipping them to support other breastfeeding mothers (peers). (2016)

SKU: B21-F Categories: ,


The Breastfeeding Peer Support Training Toolkit will provide all you need to educate  breastfeeding peer support volunteers, equipping them to begin supporting other breastfeeding mothers (peers).

In the toolkit you will find:
1. Introduction for the facilitator with information about recruiting and training potential peer support volunteers.
2. Six modules with facilitator notes. Each 2.5-hour module contains several activities.
3. PowerPoint presentations for each of the six modules in PDF format.

4. Peer Resource Guide with suggestions about additional handouts, and space where you can add information about your program,  local programs and resources.
5. Training Summary Charts for each module which provide an outline of the content, timing, and materials needed for each module, including a training summary chart for a pre-training meet-and-greet.


Also available in English.

Available in low resolution, PDF format. For other formats and further information, please contact us.