Bébé en santé, cerveau en santé

Ready-to-use workshop (15 videos + guide) in French for service providers : how parents can support the healthy development of their baby’s brain. (2019)

SKU: K34-F Category:


Parents play an important role in the development of their baby’s brain. They are their baby’s most important connection to the world. Parents interact daily with their baby. These interactions have life-long effects on the baby’s ability to reach full potential.

This ready-to-use workshop is for service providers wishing to offer a workshop on Brain development to parents and future parents. It contains 15 short videos (made in 2012) for parents on brain development, and an accompanying facilitator guide (updated in 2019) with suggestions, tips and recommendations for service providers to help parents and future parents support their baby’s brain development.


Below are the videos in French for this workshop. The entire workshop is also available in English.

Etre à l’écoute
Activité physique et sommeil
Attachement et relations
Gérer ses émotions
Intérieur versus extérieur
Jouer au quotidien
ouer et utiliser tous les sens
La nutrition
Les routines
Les différents stades
Les numéros : jeux
Santé prénatale
Influence du stress
Votre rôle, comme parent