Zhi-gid-minaan Nda-nii-jaan-sag – Growing Together with Our Children

Manual in English for service providers: How to provide a First Nations parent workshop on the topic of parent child attachment. (2015)

SKU: K47-A Category:


This guide will help you provide a parent workshop on the topic of parent child attachment. It takes a First Nations, culture-based approach that includes Medicine Wheel teachings, traditional parenting methods and ceremonies. We are confident that you will find something that speaks to the parents you work with and their little (and not-so-little) ones.

The content in this guide includes:

  • Contemporary and traditional definitions of attachment.
  • The benefits of a secure attachment.
  • Contemporary and traditional teachings on how to foster strong and healthy connections between a parent/caregiver and child.

This guide shares teachings from a range of First Nations in Ontario. In the broadest sense we touch on the Anishinawbe and the Haudenosaunee. The guide may also be useful with Métis and Inuit parents.

This guide has been created in such a way that the facilitator can adapt the workshop to suit the needs of participants. If you are new to facilitating workshops please refer to the First
Nations Workshop Facilitator Guide.